Thirty-One Gifts

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Exercise: Seeing Improvement!

This is a an awesome thing:  things are getting easier.  Like what?  Well, after exercising for a few months now, I can report that physical tasks are not as hard as they were before.  For example, I clean an office once a week, and used to have to rest while doing it.  Not anymore.  I put my headphones on and go, therefore getting done quicker, and moving aerobically.  It's not a hard job, but it was at over 300 pounds and being a couch potato.

I am no longer a potato.

Also, my clothes are fitting better, even if the pounds are moving slowly.  I've lost 20, but I want to lose a lot more than that!  I have to remember that I'm working out at the gym on my muscles, and muscle weighs more than fat, so I am happy that I am gaining muscle.  I went to the gym the other day, and not only did I double my time on the treadmill, to ten minutes (I know, but I have a weak ankle).  Also, I use it to get my heart rate up, and then I do the machines, with my heart rate staying high enough to burn calories.  I can feel my abs now, and my arms and legs are stronger.

The weight is such a burden.

I saw a girl, must have been in her twenties, at the gym on the pull-ups bar.  She was going to town on that thing, and she must have done a hundred of them.

I'll be that strong.  One day.

1 comment:

  1. If I jump I can almost make one pull up. But I'm not there yet either!
